PPBF: Eerie Dearies

EerieDeariesCoverAuthor/Illustrator: Rebecca Chaperon
Publisher: Simply Read Books, 2014
Age: 9-14
Themes: academic absence, alphabet, concept book
OpeningA is for astral projection.
Summary: (from Amazon) Eerie Dearies is an unusual book that offers a carefully crafted & alphabetized selection of twenty-six beautifully illustrated excuses for being awol from school. Faded and well-used book covers serve as compelling backgrounds to each of these delicately rendered acrylic paintings, creating an atmosphere akin to an old and dusty collection of darkly humorous myths..

EerieDearies1.jpgWhy I like this book: Reminds me so much of Edward Gorey’s sense of humor. Not for the little ones, but I thought since the postings on Susanna Hill’s blog are on summer hiatus I could slip this one in for the older kids.

EerieDearies2Resources/Activities: Make your own list of ‘excuses’ and illustrate them, with pencil, ink collage, etc.; read Edward Gorey’s The Gashlycrumb Tinies – watch the read-aloud video HERE

EerieDearies3For more Perfect Picture Book picks with teacher/parent resources, check out the list on Susanna Hill’s blog HERE.