PPBF: Edwardo the Horriblest Boy in the Whole Wide World

9C10149F-AE67-43EA-883D-A4ED40AED3C2Author/Illustrator: John Burningham
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006
Age: 4-8
Themes: behavior, interpersonal relationships
Opening: Edwardo was an ordinary boy.

E90E46B7-C90B-4F5C-B7E7-B3F027A1FF4DSummary: (from my library’s catalog) Each time he does something a little bit bad, Edwardo is told that he is very bad and soon his behavior is awful, but when he accidentally does good things and is complimented, he becomes much, much nicer.

4F216E12-1C56-4F28-A75A-D89562408B06I like this book because: it‘s a good reminder for us all, and unfortunately we need reminders. I was really lucky to be able to attend (for free through my library) a talk called, An Open Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Close, with Dr. Steve Robbins. And in the very same vein this book addresses our biases, how easily we form them, adapt to other people‘s biases and how easily we can change them – if we make the effort. Every elementary classroom should have this book and others like it. Also, the author, one of my favorites, recently passed away, and I am rereading as much of his work as I can get a hold of. RIP, John Burningham.

BB966D8F-88D0-4E0B-967A-4DCEAF26952FResources/Activities: do yourself a favor and read more Burningham, like The Shopping Basket, or Would You Rather, or perhaps one of the books I mention in this post about Burningham

B57BBA4D-9C9D-4DFF-AD6F-561D9A79C057For more Perfect Picture Book Friday picks with teacher/parent resources, check out the list on Susanna Hill’s blog HERE
