Organization and the Sock Drawer

Time to let my secret out: I keep a highly organized sock drawer. Those who have ever ventured in to my abode will scarcely believe it, but it’s true. It remains my last bastion of personal control. My son and husband have much larger feet and my daughter has enough of her own (you’d never guess by the scattered straggler’s), so no need to open and  borrow . It is the one place in our house where only I reign supreme! And I do: sorted by color, folded not rolled, arranged even by fabric content!

Some might say I am ‘a little crazy’, or “Too time consuming.” “Who cares? Just toss ’em in the drawer!”

But a sense of organization, no matter the scale, is helpful. I write hints of stories and sketch ideas on bits of paper that can easily get lost. But that warm feeling I get when I open and admire the sock drawer reminds me: gather those scraps, type them up, file by title, place with others written that month, arrange with ‘Ideas’, store in ‘Picture Books’, organize with ‘Work’, and find under ‘Julie’s Folder’.

Don’t sock it – try it!

9 thoughts on “Organization and the Sock Drawer

  1. I drive my husband crazy as he organizes the dvds/cds alphabetically and I come in mess it up. I finally got myself a filing cabinet to put all my stories and ideas in. I like my tidy and organized cabinet. My socks are folded and organized by colour because all my socks are white. My husband’s socks are all black. It’s an easy way to keep our socks separate.


    • I would organize the media items if no one else would mess them up too! (Greetings to your husband!) I have a friend who buys a different brand for each of the 5 family members to keep them sorted!


  2. I’m still struggling with any kind of organisation. My arch-nemesis is the ironing. No matter how many times I conquer this foe, it just seems to grow another Hydra-head and pile up all over again. I’ve only been doing my own housework for the last year or so though, perhaps it gets easier with time. I live in hope!


  3. I’m still trying to get a handle on this organisation thing. My arch nemesis seems to be the ironing. No matter how many times I conquer this foe, it merely grows another Hydra head and piles up all over again! I’ve only been doing my own housework for the last year or so however, perhaps it will get easier with time. I live in hope! 😀


  4. It reminds me of my new lovely box of crayola crayons growing up. Every color in its own place. Such happy, comforting organization . . .


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