SCBWI Big Five Oh Conference Sketches

There is so much to be gained from sketching speakers at conferences, and while I enjoy being there in person the virtual sessions allow a much better closeup for features. I enjoyed myself immensely this year!

Peter Brown, TeMika Grooms, Saho Fujii
Cecilia Yung, Barbara Marcus, Sophie Blackall
Laurent Linn, Ann Whitford Paul, Mike Curato
Don Tate, Linda Sue Park, Paul O. Zelinsky

PPBF: Jumpy Jack & Googily

Author: Meg Rosoff
Illustrator: Sophie Blackall
Publisher: Henry Holt, 2008
Ages: friendship, monsters, snails
Opening: “I’m nervous,” said Jumpy Jack to his best friend, Googily. “There could be a monster nearby and I’m scared of monsters.” “Don’t be ridiculous,” said Googily.


Summary: (from my library catalog) Jumpy Jack the snail is terrified that there are monsters around every corner despite the reassurances of his best friend, Googily.



I like this book because: I really have a soft spot for books that let the reader in on what is oblivious to (at least one of) the characters. Here we have Jumpy Jack describing his fear of monsters, and describing his friend Googily to a teeThe beautifully detailed artwork slimes it’s snaily way right into the heart – check out the tea cozy below!

Resources/activities: Check out the prepared literature unit activities from – HERE;Read Kay Yeh’s article: Why Picture Books Are Important – HERE

Photo courtesy of Kat Yeh

Photo courtesy of Kat Yeh8

For more Perfect Picture Book picks, go to Susanna Leonard Hill’s bolg at

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