Halfway-There Blog Party: Bring Dessert

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill

There are numerous wise quotes about having nothing to be unhappy about. I like to keep the positive in mind as we* approach the halfway point in the 12 x 12 in ’12 Challenge. Because as much as I appreciate this opportunity to better my habits, append my skills, grow my potential, and fuel my motivation I admit, my dear friends, I am also half sad.

Shortly after beginning I felt I had found something special, worth nurturing through to the harvest. Now I profess it! So before I let negative thoughts rot the crop, I will grab this moment and celebrate fiercely! Today I toast my fellow participants with my glass half full, and vow to cherish sweet fruits, toss the pits and make good pie!

*Over 400 writers and writer/illustrators of picture books completing 12 drafts in 12 months in 2012.

60 thoughts on “Halfway-There Blog Party: Bring Dessert

  1. Oh Julie…how did you know I LOVE cherry pie..or any pie, cake, cookies, candy…yes, you might as well know, I was the original junk food junkie and have to guard against keeping that kind of stuff in the house! And thank you so much for reminding us that there are over 400 fellow 12 x 12’ers, furiously scribbling on napkins, envelopes or whatever spare piece of paper they can find…because you never know when inspiration strikes!
    Good luck and happy writing in the next six months. 🙂


  2. Happy cherry pie half-way there, Julie! No matter how we finish, with whatever number of manuscripts, we are all winners. We have all gained so much, not the least of which is an awesome community surrounding us. Here’s to more cheery cherries as the year progresses, and fewer pits!


  3. Oh, I just now realized we’re talking about CHERRY pits. I thought it was ARM pits. But the cherry thing makes a lot more sense.

    (An illustrator at the party! Yay, you! And good luck in the next six months!)


    • I may stem from the ‘armpit’ of the nation (although Long Islanders consider themselves more ‘uptown’ than New Jersey), but my roots have served me well! I hope we all make the best of the pickings from this challenge!


  4. I find it difficult some days to be upbeat about writing, but I agree about finding something special and worth nurturing. I wish you success to the end .. and beyond. (or is that “to infinity and beyond”?) 🙂


    • Thanks Rebecca for your very touching comment – much appreciated as I find so little time to write with kids underfoot this summer (only two, and they are teens, but at times drive me as crazy as two-year olds can!)


  5. Wish I had your ability to be short and sweet…I’ll learn! Congrats on your accomplishments, Julie. I am inspired by Churchill. My favorite (which applies to us all) is: “Never, never, never, never, never, never, never give up!!”


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