SkADaMo 26

I tried, but figured Agnes could not have had the time to curl her hair.

The following is Copperfield’s description, after moving in with the Wickfields: “I cannot call to mind where or when, in my childhood, I had seen a stained glass window in a church. Nor do I recollect its subject. But I know that when I saw her turn round, in the grave light of the old staircase, and wait for us, above, I thought of that window; and I associated something of its tranquil brightness with Agnes Wickfield ever afterwards.” – Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

17 thoughts on “SkADaMo 26

  1. Wonderful how you captured a complexity of character in her eyes. I’m not sure of her personality in the story, but she seems like a serene, intelligent, thoughtful person, but someone who could give you a good scolding if you deserved it!


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