SkADaMo 25


“Peggotty was glad to get it for him, and he overwhelmed her with thanks, and went his way up Tottenham Court Road, carrying the flower-pot affectionately in his arms, with one of the most delighted expressions of countenance I ever saw.” – Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

Have to finish reading by Thursday evening, 7pm. I’ve got a dvd lined up, starring Lionel Barrymore, Maureen O’Sullivan, andW.C. Fields as Micawber. And Basil Rathbone plays Murdstone!

Sad…and excited!

13 thoughts on “SkADaMo 25

  1. Well, I can see how you would be
    Sad…and excited!
    What a journey! It has been extraordinarily fun for me, Julie! I will really miss your sketches.
    You really captured “one of the most delighted expressions of countenance”.


  2. Another great sketch, you are drawing the Dickens out of these books. The type on the back side bleeding through on this one really enhances the mood, well done.


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